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Red Hat Enterprise Linux

What is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)?

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is an enterprise Linux operating system (OS) developed by Red Hat for the business market.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform,* certified on hundreds of clouds and with thousands of hardware and software vendors. Red Hat Enterprise Linux can be purchased to support specific use cases like edge computing or SAP workloads. It is the successor of Fedora’s core. It is also an open-source distribution like a fedora and other Linux operating systems.

Why choose Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

“Each cloud is unique, so you need a flexible yet stable operating system. Red Hat Enterprise Linux offers the flexibility of open source code and the innovation of its communities, as well as certifications from hundreds of service providers and public clouds”, detailed on their official website.

The issue of security is essential for the Red Hat and Linux team, so your data will always be optimally and efficiently protected. “Red Hat Enterprise Linux has built-in security features, such as Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) and mandatory access controls (MAC), that allow you to prevent intrusions and comply with current regulations”, they noted.

Innovation is one of the main flags of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is why it is creating precisely to couple and adapt to new technologies that are emerging in the technology industry.


It’s a product for innovators, built for developers, and designed for operations, from containers to automation and even AI. It adapts to all companies and lays the foundations for the possibilities that the future brings”, they delved into the subject.



Features of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL):

RHEL powers and supports several technologies. Among them are application development tools, automation protocols, cloud computing, containers, middleware, storage, micro-services, virtualization and management software.
Mitigate potential risks across the hybrid cloud by helping organizations build a platform with greater stability and trust.
Automate and manage to make it easier for organizations to minimize manual tasks, standardize deployment at scale and simplify the administration of their systems.
Solve problems with edge with enhancements that increase workload resiliency and security at the edge.
The security model implemented for Linux is based on Unix; it is very safe against the Internet and other attacks as well, they explained in EDUCBA, also emphasizing how customizable this operating system.

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